Category Outreach

Reaching the lost at home and abroad

Evangelist Carl Sims: ‘I prospect every day of my life’

Carl Sims prospects, teaches, and trains others in the Open Bible Study.

Beware! Scam artists at work on FB

by Glenda Williams, BNC correspondent Geneva, AL (BNc) — Scam artists are doing an excellent job in scamming innocent people on Facebook. Late one night I noticed a friend from Atlanta posted that he needed immediate help in a foreign… Continue Reading →

Wiregrass Christian Youth Camp summer recap

by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala (BNc) — Angie Braswell, Secretary at Wiregrass Christian Youth Camp, Chancellor, AL recaps the eight weeks of summer sessions in 2012 as follows: Campers: 707; Staff members: 271; Baptisms: 20; Bible Awards given:… Continue Reading →

Pikes Peak congregation hosts American Indian Missions Seminar

by Grady Miller COLORADO  SPRINGS, Col., (BNc) — Leaders in American Indian evangelism and mission work traveled to Colorado Springs for the 29th Annual American Indian Missions Seminar on Aug. 3-4, and compared notes regarding their rewards and challenges. Speakers… Continue Reading →

17 baptized in Burma seminar

Bill McDonough reports on the work in Myanmar.

Hindu convert: ‘I know we have our eternal spirit’

Jim Waldron reports of several baptisms in India, especially several through the work of an Indian evangelist of Mongolian descent.

Evangelism Board involves the congregation

by Ian Starrs ABERDEEN, Scotland (BNc) — The congregation in Aberdeen has an Evangelism Board at the front of our building, which is just like an “Attendance & Contribution Record” board, but much larger. There is a short form to mark… Continue Reading →

Twelve baptized today in county jail

GENEVA, Ala (BNc) — On Thursday evenings men from the Geneva church meet at the local county jail to teach the Bible to the inmates. Going their separate ways last night, Douglas Williams, minister of the Geneva church, was teaching in… Continue Reading →

Catholic Priest obeys gospel

by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala (BNc) — A former Catholic priest and his wife obeyed the gospel when Jerry Davidson took a team into the Amerindian Village of Moruca, June 18-July 9, 2012. The group  taught and baptized… Continue Reading →

Hartford, AL church is rebuilding after fire destroyed building

by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent HARTFORD, Ala (BNc) — The Hartford, Alabama church is rebuilding after being destroyed by a late night fire earlier this year. Recently we stopped to see the new metal structure and were met by Terry Whaley,… Continue Reading →

GBN channel rated in the top 10 Roku channels

OLIVE BRANCH, Miss. (BNc) — The Gospel Broadcasting Network (GBN) channel announced that it has been rated in the top 10 by Roku users. With the hundreds of Roku channels available, the ranking is a great honor. It shows that… Continue Reading →

Weekend retreat ponders missions priorities

Missionaries and ministers address what is most important in missions.

Pendergrass’ debate on mechanical instruments in worship proves success

by David Fanning NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark.  (BNc) – The religious debate between Jason Weatherly (Pentecostal) and Kevin Pendergrass (Christian) over the issue of the type of music God authorizes under New Covenant worship was a great success! Approximately 1500–2000… Continue Reading →

Spring Meadows sponsors online video series for teens

SPRING HILL, Tenn., (BNc) — This summer, a team of youth ministers from churches of Christ are releasing 12 HD video messages for churches to use and discuss together.  #HASHTAG Youth Series: the online video series for teenagers, will be available… Continue Reading →

Eindhoven hosts lectures on ‘The Way’

  EINDHOVEN, Holland (BNc) – On April 13th and 14th, 50 brethren from 7 congregations in Holland and Flanders gathered in Eindhoven for a series of 7 lectures on ‘The Way’ presented by Daniel Napier.

16 baptized in “Leave the Light On” campaign

Alabama preacher starts leaving the baptistry light on.

Preacher’s op-ed featured on WashTimes website

Weylan Deaver was featured today on the front page of the Washington Times website.

Jim Krumrei celebrates 80th birthday

HAARLEM, Holland (BNc) — Seventy people attended the 80th birthday celebration of Jim Krumrei in Haarlem on February 26th. Except for periods of a few months spent in the US, Jim and Ruth Krumrei completed their 49th year of continual… Continue Reading →

300 attend first night of Malaysia meeting

Malaysia churches unite for a campaign for Christ.

Bible Class Teacher Takes Lessons to Oven

by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala (BNC) — Ladies Bible class teacher, Linda Sartain, has taken her Wednesday night Bible class far beyond what the 18 ladies would have ever dreamed.

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