WICKSBURG, Al (BNc) – Dr. Mark Turner, Evangelist, for the Christian Home Church of Christ, Wicksburg, AL, came out of the church door Sunday morning with a microphone in his hand and welcomed everyone to the worship service. His audience… Continue Reading →
“When the Covid-19 shutdown hit in March, we decided to keep our eye on the harvest.”
Religious leaders and churches desire to be validated in their leadership, especially with some diploma or degree in Bible from a Bible school.
Blane Anderson follows up his online teaching in person.
Reviewer: “I don’t remember reading a book that managed to summarize in so few pages the essential truths of the gospel in order for a person to make a decision.”
The manpower is available if we utilize all the church in the preaching of the gospel to the lost.
When Larry is asked if he has a sermon ready, he holds up his Bible and says, “Oh, I have a few.”
Ed and Joy Healy live an hour and a half from the nearest congregation.
Why not enlist your congregation to participate in this good effort?
The camp in lower Alabama baptized youths from different areas of the country.
Tex co-produced what most know as the Jule Miller filmstrips.
Event used for evangelism surfaced interested contacts.
Five guidelines will help us navigate political change and offer God’s stability and peace to others.
Popular evangelistic paper ratches up its publishing schedule.
ELBA, Alabama (BNc) — When walking into the Elba Church of Christ building ones eyes are immediately drawn to the beautiful bulletin boards in the hallways. Upon investigation, one will find that Pam Crittenden, church secretary, uses her artistic talent… Continue Reading →
This long-term work evangelizes in the state with many side benefits.
HOUSTON, Texas (BNc) — “If God can take a plain old shepherd boy and make a king out of him, He can use any of us, but it’s His work and He gets all the glory,” stated so ably by Texas… Continue Reading →
GENEVA, Ala (BNc) — George Merritt, a familiar name, and voice to many radio listeners, shared upsetting news about his Power & the Glory program as well as other religious programs. He states: Bob Wilkins, founder, and CEO of Wilkins Radio… Continue Reading →
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Ultimate irony: ignoring our mission to talk about it
Bear Valley preacher Neal Pollard experiences cold shoulders and wonders at the irony between talk and stated purposes.