Category Outreach

Reaching the lost at home and abroad

Missionary sees powerful spiritual lesson in sick little chick

In India Jim Waldron saves a chick from certain death and does the math of missions.

Atheist church shows need for community which true church can offer

Kentucky preacher and writer Paul Holland tells Christians not to be intimidated by the atheist church.

Preacher 55 years without one-on-one Bible study shows need for personal evangelism

Ted Knight explores how to encourage evangelism in congregations.

Preacher recommits to evangelism, takes ‘risks in relationships’

A Tennessee preacher points out the lack of vision for world evangelism among many Christians.

Where is ‘just church’? asks student on public school questionnaire

A public school student points up the problem of religious division.

Evangelist baptizes 30 since his conversion in January

Mozambicam convert preaches the gospel amid political unrest.

‘Simple New Testament Christianity intrigued’ pastor on hearing restoration plea

Neal Pollard writes about a study with an evangelical pastor.

Poll: Most Americans say Jesus dislikes ‘modern Christianity’

New Testament Christians have reason to be encouraged by this poll.

Hidden Treasures Christian School celebrates sixth year

PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria, (BNc) by Amadi Jude — It all began as a dream in the year 2007 when the Lord led the heart of Brother UChenna F. Bekee to begin a work that has resulted in six years of… Continue Reading →

Man converted after Adventist friend points him to the church

A second South Sudanese man is converted in Tennessee through a fascinating contact.

Christians evangelize on Rio sidewalks with signs challenging denominations

“Who is the owner of your church?” asks one of several signs.

Major Scottish newspaper freaks out over church’s distribution of creation material in school

Article calls church “extremist US religious cult.”

South Sudanese ‘Lost Boy’ baptized in Tennessee

Several congregations cooperate to bring the gospel to a man displaced by war.

Tennessee saints offer physical and spiritual water at fiddler jamboree

Keltonburg saints man booth for the gospel.

Amridge University Graduation held June 8, 2013

MONTGOMERY, Ala (BNc) — Raymond Elliott, well-known and loved gospel preacher, reports attending a most impressive Amridge University graduation, June 8, 2013.

Denominations influenced by gospel teaching change practice of Lord’s supper

With this influence missionary wonders if denominations might obey gospel truth.

Christian writer stupefied: ‘How could Gosnell do what he did?’

Devotional writer takes a different tack today in light of the abortion doctor’s conviction.

God uses preacher’s mistake to get the gospel in woman’s door

He went to the wrong door. Turned out it was the right one after all.

Las Vegas taxi driver transports and teaches the gospel to riders

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (BNc) — The World Video Bible School, based in Maxwell, Texas, recently received the following letter from Mark Regans, a Christian taxi driver in Las Vegas. His focus in life is clear and encouraging: There is nothing… Continue Reading →

Retired saints, Christian college teachers ignore appeal to share the gospel online

Retired saints ignored an opportunity through World English Institute, which offers online Bible studies through English.

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