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Everett Ferguson speaks at HCU scholar lecture series

See article for links to videos of Ferguson’s presentations.

Preachers email discussion group celebrates 14 years amid challenges

Social media has taken the sails out of many email groups.

Former FHU professor Wendell Bloomingburg dies at 89

“”Brother Bloomingburg cast a much longer shadow than most know,” says one former student.

Alabama church proposes instrumental music, area preacher urges rejection

Elders propose Sunday service with instruments. Preacher to their south urges rejection.

Evangelist baptizes 30 since his conversion in January

Mozambicam convert preaches the gospel amid political unrest.

Fire guts northwest Georgia church building

The Rising Fawn church near Chatanooga, Tenn., lost their building early Sunday morning.

‘Simple New Testament Christianity intrigued’ pastor on hearing restoration plea

Neal Pollard writes about a study with an evangelical pastor.

Poll: Most Americans say Jesus dislikes ‘modern Christianity’

New Testament Christians have reason to be encouraged by this poll.

Texas women ‘feed on the meat of the Word’ in new retreat

In this first event ladies heard in-depth studies on the book of Philippians.

West Virginia preacher Frank Higginbotham passes

Higginbotham preached in West Virginia for 60 years.

New discipleship class in Samar Philippines

UNION CITY, Tenn. (BNc) by James D. Suiter — The Bishop St. church in Union City, Tenn., raised funds for a very special project for brother Edwin Inso. Brother Inso works with five churches in Samar, Philippines. Bishop St. helped… Continue Reading →

Hidden Treasures Christian School celebrates sixth year

PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria, (BNc) by Amadi Jude — It all began as a dream in the year 2007 when the Lord led the heart of Brother UChenna F. Bekee to begin a work that has resulted in six years of… Continue Reading →

Early missionary to Bangladesh and Nepal passes

by Michael E. Brooks MUSCLE SHOALS, Ala. (BNc) — Harvey Hasha of Muscle Shoals, Alabama died quietly Monday night, Sept. 16, in his home. His health had declined quickly after suffering a fall several weeks prior.  Harvey was a former… Continue Reading →

Saints from six Dutch and Flemish congregations sing together

The Haarlem church was the first European congregation established by churches of Christ after WWII.

Wake up with

by James D. Suiter SULPHUR SPRINGS, Tex. (BNc) — Have you ever wished that we had a morning wake-up radio program in churches of Christ and encouraging programming on radio to listen to from the brotherhood throughout the day? I know… Continue Reading →

Man converted after Adventist friend points him to the church

A second South Sudanese man is converted in Tennessee through a fascinating contact.

Christians evangelize on Rio sidewalks with signs challenging denominations

“Who is the owner of your church?” asks one of several signs.

Getting kicked out leads to conversion

The new convert has made the town and the congregation his new home.

‘Betty’s Bouts and Battles’: autobiography of Canadian missionary to Germany now online

Site creator suggests reading portions of such biographies in children’s Bible classes.

‘Amazing thing’: Preacher’s Files Lectureship goes to Tennessee church

The 8th annual lectureship encouraged a small rural congregation and area Christians.

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