MADISON, Ala. (BNC) by Jamie Suiter— The ladies of the Madison congregation have started making mats and blankets by recycling what most people throw in the trash. I talked with Pam Waller at the Madison church July 6, and she said… Continue Reading →
Starting with John the Baptizer, Lance Mosher surveys the several baptisms of the New Testament and which is the one baptism for all time.
ALKEN, BELGIUM (BNC) — A website has been launched with illustrated Bible readings for children. It is sometimes difficult to find Bible story books that are true to the Scriptures. In this case, actual readings from the Bible have been… Continue Reading →
The congregation looks to a big change in its life and work.
Christian blogger in Texas is dismayed at ignorance displayed in famous physicist’s pronouncement.
David Shannon worked with the Mt. Juliet TN church for 18 years.
Ngomoromo, Uganda, BNC – On April 16th, the first Sunday after this group of Christians was forced to flee to Uganda from the war zone in Pajok, South Sudan, they met under a tree for worship.
South Sudan, Pajok – On Monday, April 3rd, the town of Pajok in South Sudan was attacked by soldiers who blocked the exits from the town and killed residents indiscriminately. Since South Sudan became a sovereign state on July 9, 2011… Continue Reading →
Oklahoma City, OK (BNC) – As a warning to other congregations, I recently published a history of the (Quail) Springs Church of Christ in Oklahoma City, showing how they were led astray. Their leaders were influenced by church-growth methods coming from… Continue Reading →
Preacher tells early example of a church merger that belies the statement about Sunday morning being the most segregated hour.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – A history of the Quail Springs Church of Christ has been placed online at by Roy Davison, long-time missionary to Belgium and publisher of the Old Paths Archive. The history traces the changes that have… Continue Reading →
The Bible teaches the sanctity of human life through capital punishment.
Christian wife and mother feels reassured that God provides for needs.
When we interact with people, we have a chance to grow friendships. We can learn to appreciate the needs, desires, and struggles of others. Our Creator loves each of us. And knowing others gives us a greater chance to teach about the hope we have in us.
No one has lost his life thus far, but the damages will be extensive.
HURST, Texas (BNC) – “Let’s Start Talking” was begun as a ministry by Mark and Sherrylee Woodward in 1981. The idea was to make contacts and give Bible instruction by offering people in other countries the opportunity to learn English… Continue Reading →
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