chuck-websterBIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BNc) — Instead of his regular devotional thoughts, writer Chuck Webster, who ministers with the Hoover, Ala., congregation, dedicated his space today to the conviction of Philadelphia abortionist doctor Kermit Gosnell.

Gosnell was convicted this week of first-degree murder in the deaths of three babies.

Chuck expressed wonder at how Gosnell could do what he did and how the abortion industry could be acceptable in a country where the majority of its citizens call themselves Christians.

As he dealt with some “perhaps” and “maybes” in an attempt to understand what God might be doing in the situation, he remarked, “I’ve already read stories of people who have changed their minds about abortion, so we can praise God for that.”

I suppose we don’t have those answers, and maybe we never will, but whenever we see sin in some kind of graphic form like this, it ought to remind us that sin isn’t just the big, headline-making, jaw-dropping things. It’s pervasive, and it hurts us all. Those of us gawking at Dr. Gosnell from a distance also struggle with sin, though maybe it’s of a more private, not-as-serious (so we say) variety.

Chuck ended his devotional thought by including several relevant Bible passages for reflection.

Read the entire devotional thought at this link.

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