UKRAINE, (BNC) by Jamie Suiter – Camp Amerikraine recently met in the Ukraine for their 14th year this July! According to director Jeff Abrams, Camp Amerikraine had approximately 300 campers. The camp has grown over the years and is the largest… Continue Reading →
Brethren respond well to public attack on the American brotherhood.
A short-term group of preachers face health problems.
by Glenda Williams, BNC correspondent Montgomery, Ala (BNc) — Cecil May, well-known and loved by many, recently broke his hip after falling in his apartment in Montgomery. After surgery and a period of recovery, he was moved to a rehab… Continue Reading →
Evangelist uses a DVD Bible course to teach the Way more perfectly.
Why was this debate so important?
After a trial run, this congregation’s effort paid off.
SINGAPORE (BNc) — From 25 to 28 November 2015 more than 150 attended the 8th annual Four Seas Lectureship of the Four Seas College of Bible and Missions. Those present on the last day are pictured above. Lectures were held… Continue Reading →
Barry Baggott keeps an updated list of congregations.
A new twist in the old sermon invitation yields baptisms.
Children and supporters are reeling, steps taken toward counseling and organization.
Good results ensue in this state capital at the mouth of the Amazon River.
Nepal nears completion of seven-year process.
Among his reasons, a lack of such language in Scripture.
Pew Research provides a rundown of US religions, including churches of Christ.
Meeting moves 97-year-old, another man unfaithful for 20 years, and others to respond in exceptional moment.
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