Category Education

Learning the way of Christ for spiritual growth and effective service.

Spanish congregation studies New Testament Greek

by Willie Alvarenga BEDFORD, Tex. (BNc) — On August 24, the Spanish congregation at Brown Trail Church of Christ in Bedford, Tx., conducted a Greek Workshop in order to teach the Spanish-speaking church how to study the New Testament using… Continue Reading →

‘Perfect storm’ of gospel music forms in West Virginia

West Virginia Christian Youth Camp holds its first Singing Emphasis Week.

‘Sermon Tree’ digital magazine innovates for preachers

The service offers fresh material monthly, as well as a complete toolbox for the working preacher.

Amridge University confers its first PhD degrees

Amridge confers the first PhDs from a brotherhood school.

Philippines: Promised Land School of Preaching Launched in Mindanao

A new preaching training school fills a need in an area where none was operating.

Amridge University Graduation held June 8, 2013

MONTGOMERY, Ala (BNc) — Raymond Elliott, well-known and loved gospel preacher, reports attending a most impressive Amridge University graduation, June 8, 2013.

‘We were babied,’ says millennial-generation preacher

Minister says lack of challenge caused millennials to leave the church.

NASA scientist exposes evolution’s violations of scientific laws at 7th Maywood Missionary Retreat

Mike Houts and other speakers were but a part of the offerings at the retreat.

Boy Scouts decision to admit homosexuals ‘the end of an era’, says national leader

Greg Tidwell laments the travesty that Scouting has become.

16-year-old preaching student speaks at Georgia School of Preaching Annual Bible Lectureship

GSOP graduates two, averages 225 in nine campuses across the state.

Faulkner University forms new graduate school of theology, honors F. Furman Kearley

Beginning in the fall of 2013, the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies degree and all future graduate programs will be administered and overseen by the Kearley Graduate School of Theology.

Pepperdine’s Seaver College offers scholarship to students who promote homosexuality and immorality

Pepperdine’s own website touts an outside scholarship for students promoting homosexuality.

Carl Sims unveils Sowing the Seed Seminar

CLARKSVILLE, Tn (BNc) — Carl S. Sims, Clarksville, TN, has written his own Bible study materials and unveiled them this week. Sowing the Seed materials and seminars are now available. Sims has taught the Open Bible Study for 26 years…. Continue Reading →

Audio: How to study the NT effectively: Guy N. Woods

David Lemmons recommends an audio lesson by Guy N. Woods with a simple method for anyone to study the New Testament.

God ‘did everything necessary’: WVSOP lectureship speaker

West Virginia School of Preaching hosts Victory Lectures with focus on 1 Corinthians.

Boy Scouts under fire for traditional values

Gospel Advocate editor Greg Tidwell writes about recent criticism of Boy Scouts of America.

SEIBS revamps lectures with new dates, book format, digital material

The Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies shakes up its lectureship.

Christian high school students pray at polling places

High school students ask God’s blessing for the elections.

VP Bruce McLarty named as Harding president

Harding University chooses its fifth president.

Memphis School of Preaching to change directors

B.J. Clarke assumes director’s post at MSOP.

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