CAMPO GRANDE, Brazil (BNc) by Jose Carlos Balabuch — Lorivan understood that in order to preach the gospel and make followers of Christ (Mk 16.15-16; Mt 28.19-20), he didn’t need to study a theology course, an evangelism course or wait for a special call.
He just needed to obey the commands of his Lord.
That’s why he sought out his own family, and for two months he studied the Word with his brother Samuel.
Yesterday afternoon, Samuel was born again (Jn 3.3-7). And as the Scriptures say, if anyone is in Christ, there is no condemnation (Rm 8.1).
2014-01-15 at 1:52 pm
Such is an example that the Bible only makes Christians only and the only Christians. If the young men understood that one must
hear the word of God to believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour, to
repent of past sins, confess Jesus as Lord then to be baptized into Christ for the remission of their sins. Being therefore added to the
Lord’s Church by the Lord they are to walk in newness of life as faithful members of the Lord’s blood purchased church. May their
numbers increase as they continue in their faith in all things.