The demand for tolerance in America has become the Orwellian newspeak of forced submission to liberal causes.
Three preachers share how they approach the movie and the biblical story.
New Testament Christians have reason to be encouraged by this poll.
Greg Tidwell laments the travesty that Scouting has become.
Devotional writer takes a different tack today in light of the abortion doctor’s conviction.
Scott McCown preached by invitation to owner and management of a car dealership in Jasper AL.
Special to BNc by Joe Slater: The abortion numbers are staggering. More so because God hates hands that shed innocent blood.
Hugh Fulford says gun-control laws won’t solve the problem. A different solution is needed.
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala (BNC) — Ladies Bible class teacher, Linda Sartain, has taken her Wednesday night Bible class far beyond what the 18 ladies would have ever dreamed.
Ray was the 22nd person converted this year in this small Alabama town.
BISMARK, Ark. (BNc) — A saint stationed at Fort Bragg, NC who was throught to have been kidnapped has been located safely in Arkansas and is now receiving medical treatment. Spc. Joseph E. Putnam, 22, a native of Bisamrck, Arkansas… Continue Reading →
SEARCY, Ark. (BNc) — A former Harding University student today (Feb. 23) asked a federal judge to dismiss his civil rights lawsuit against the University. Patrick Thompson (36) of Little Rock petitioned Judge William R. Wilson to dismiss the lawsuit… Continue Reading →
By Joe May Associate Editor A saint stationed at Fort Bragg, NC who was throught to have been kidnapped has been located safely in Arkansas and isnow receiving medical treatment. Spc. Joseph E. Putnam, 22, a native of… Continue Reading →
By Joe May Associatie Editor One of the Lord’s saints was among four Boy Scouts who were killed Wednesday when an EF 2 tornado touched down near Little Sioux, Iowa. The four were among several Scouts at the… Continue Reading →
MAYFIELD, Ky. (BNc)- A tragic incident in Mayfield has resulted in several injuries and at least one death.
A preacher near the epicenter of the Ill., earthquake reports on the tremblor felt early Friday morning.
By Associate Editor Joe May HUNTINGDON, Tenn. (BNc)- Mary Winkler has been authorized to see information about a trust fund set up for her three daughters. Winkler, who was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in a sensational trial in April 2007,… Continue Reading →
By BNc Correspondent Paula Harrington Western Ky. (BNc)- Thanks to the winter weather, some folks in Western Kentucky are waking for the second day with no power.
By Associate Editor Joe May SEARCY, Ark. (BNc)- “This is what Christians do for each other.” Those were the words of Harding University sophomore Marie Yates in answer to a Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reporter’s question Sunday.
As We Have Opportunity — Deadly Storms Move Through Arkansas By Oran Burt, Somers Avenue minister NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (BNc)- There is no question as to what our Christian duty is toward the less fortunate. Based on the opportunity… Continue Reading →
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