WICKSBURG, Al (BNc) – Dr. Mark Turner, Evangelist, for the Christian Home Church of Christ, Wicksburg, AL, came out of the church door Sunday morning with a microphone in his hand and welcomed everyone to the worship service. His audience… Continue Reading →
The manpower is available if we utilize all the church in the preaching of the gospel to the lost.
When Larry is asked if he has a sermon ready, he holds up his Bible and says, “Oh, I have a few.”
Texas preacher shares with younger men important lessons he has learned during his decades of ministry.
This preacher’s in-pulpit experience has the congregation asking what he’s smoking.
A new twist in the old sermon invitation yields baptisms.
Michigan preacher Paul Holland goes through his dad’s sermon files.
Preacher was told he used ‘too much Bible.’
“I owned my confession and publicly repented.”
Stephen Lord tells story about his dad’s conversation with Batsell Barrett Baxter, among other memories.
The Jenkins Institute made this touching video of preachers who write to themselves on their first day of ministry.
Marty Broome from the Darien, Ga., congregation tells his uplifting story.
Three preachers share how they approach the movie and the biblical story.
Such sermons serve an essential need.
Scott McCown preached by invitation to owner and management of a car dealership in Jasper AL.
A minister thinks preachers sometimes don’t preach on issues for fear of losing their “job.”
MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. (BNc) — Preacher J.B. Gaither’s youngest daughter has published a biography his life and work. Sandra Gaither Pitchford wrote J.B. Gaither, His Place in Time, a 408-page book packed with photos, sermons and articles of this “old-timey”… Continue Reading →
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