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Elba, Alabama Church Singing Unique

by Glenda Williams, BNc Correspondent ELBA, Ala (BNc) — The Elba Church of Christ hosted their bi-annual acappella singing Friday evening, January 31, 2014. The singing is held the last Friday evening in January and in July. Men from different congregations… Continue Reading →

Previous reports inaccurate. Three Filipino saints perished in deadliest modern typhoon

Missionary Michael Hildreth reports on his return to the Philippines.

Capital Prayer Breakfast Honors McKees

MONTGOMERY, Ala (BNc) — The Capital Prayer Breakfast was held January 17, 2014, in the RSA building overlooking beautiful downtown Montgomery, AL .  Colin and Ellen McKee, long time missionaries to Indonesia, were honored at the breakfast.

‘Everyone was blown away’: Small church gives away accumulated offerings to 10 worthy efforts

A small church decides to share its blessings with others.

‘Tremendous response’: Preacher baptizes stepfather in seminar

Seminar speaker sees newly converted mother respond, baptizes his stepfather.

‘He didn’t need to study theology’: Brother baptizes brother

A Christian man teaches and baptizes his physical brother.

‘WEI students in every nation except Vatican’: Founder gives overview

WEI founder Dick Ady provides an amazing overview of that ministry.

Preacher student hacked to death with machete for baptizing woman

A missionary tells what happened to his enthusiastic student.

This baptism was both spiritually and physically beautiful.

102-year-old Eulala Williams goes home

This beautiful story needs to be told.

2013 reflections: ‘As close to heaven as any of us would ever be this side of eternity’

Explosives expert David Hersey writes about “a completely unrehearsed event which just unfolded out of the hearts of Christians.”

Editorial: The pattern of apostolic teaching provides for every need

Sharing God’s work among his people confirms the truth of the gospel.

2013 reflections: ‘The physical world is bound to let you down’

Getting turned down by the insurance company leads a brother to renewed emphasis on the resurrection.

Video: Search TV speaker Phil Sanders reports, appeals for help

The Search program was begun some 30 years ago by Mac Lyon.

2013 reflections: It’s impossible to ‘play responsibly’

The billboard begged a question about gambling. This saint calls out the implication.

‘He took worship seriously.’ Shut-in prepared well for home worship

An elderly brother confined to home still made preparations for a home worship for himself and his wife.

2013 reflections: A woman’s death shows importance of doing God’s will

A woman drowns six days after hearing about the need to do God’s will. What can we learn?

“Jim, will you teach me about God?”

HAARLEM, Netherlands (BNc) – Missionaries to Holland, Jim and Ruth Krumrei, have lived in a modest house on a canal in Haarlem since 1969. Their next-door neighbor, Theo Van De Gevel, defined himself as an atheist for most of his… Continue Reading →

The Power of the Gospel in Print

 ARUSHA, Tanzania (BNc) — Boma Ng´ombe [“Village of Cows”] is the hometown of Ahser Mbasha. It is located at the foot of beautiful Mt Kilmanjaro in Tanzania on the road between Arusha and Moshi.

Donations pour in for 9-year-old Eli’s bucket-list wish

MADISON, Ala. (BNc) — Eli Williams is a nine-year-old boy who has spent the last two years fighting medulloblastoma. Scans recently revealed that he had relapsed. Only experimental treatment is an option now. Before he can do this treatment, he… Continue Reading →

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