God knows uncleanness brings death, both physically and spiritually.
An iTunes hit makes this evangelist wonder what it is that people need.
Let us be who we are, the ultimate anti-culture of love, peace, and joy.
This long-term work evangelizes in the state with many side benefits.
Christians should never block the light of Christ by sin or silence.
As the city grows outward, Christians extend their outreach.
Saints react to the latest act of political violence in the USA.
HENDERSON, Tenn. (BNC) by Jamie Suiter — Three members of the Russell and Donna Turner family died from smoke inhalation in a fire Aug. 3, Thursday afternoon. The fire apparently started in the kitchen of the Turners’ house, according to WBBJ News… Continue Reading →
Brent Missildine returned from his fifth trip to the Philippines and reported on the churches of Christ in Luzon and Asian Christian University.
Watch this video and see one of the most interesting reasons given for why the gospel is glorious.
This print magazine continues to grow in its evangelistic outreach.
MADISON, Ala. (BNC) by Jamie Suiter— The ladies of the Madison congregation have started making mats and blankets by recycling what most people throw in the trash. I talked with Pam Waller at the Madison church July 6, and she said… Continue Reading →
Starting with John the Baptizer, Lance Mosher surveys the several baptisms of the New Testament and which is the one baptism for all time.
The congregation looks to a big change in its life and work.
Christian blogger in Texas is dismayed at ignorance displayed in famous physicist’s pronouncement.
David Shannon worked with the Mt. Juliet TN church for 18 years.
Preacher tells early example of a church merger that belies the statement about Sunday morning being the most segregated hour.
The Bible teaches the sanctity of human life through capital punishment.
Christian wife and mother feels reassured that God provides for needs.
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Ultimate irony: ignoring our mission to talk about it
Bear Valley preacher Neal Pollard experiences cold shoulders and wonders at the irony between talk and stated purposes.