HENDERSON, Tenn (BNc) — Freed-Hardeman University professor Stan Mitchell took the conversation about homosexuality to the other side today as he claimed to be “professionally and personally hurt” at insinuations by gay-rights advocates that preachers and teachers made a “special case” over the subject.
“Homosexuality is distinctly not the only sin I have preached against. I have been preaching for a long time, and I have addressed many subjects in my messages. I do indeed care about racism, poverty, theft and so on. If you do not believe this is so, you have simply not been listening,” he wrote.
Stan, a professor in the university’s Bible department, also took on a second charge: “In what way is speaking against homosexuality calculated to influence those who are homosexuals to become Christians?”
To point out that homosexuality is sin is also a call to repentance, just as one would take the same approach to “an adulterer, a gossip, or a racist,” he maintained.
Writing in his weekly “Reality Check” column on Forthright Magazine, Stan turned the tables.
“it is not the Christian who makes a “special case” of homosexuality, it is the homosexual advocate. They want this sin to not be considered sinful.”
Stan ended his article with five questions that Christians might ask of homosexual agenda, as they face their faith becoming the “alternative lifestyle.”
The entire article is available at this link.
Forthright Magazine is a free online magazine of biblical and Christian articles, offered by Forthright Press, also the sponsor of BNc.
2013-05-30 at 7:37 pm
Some day soon, God’s people will be in the position Lot occupied when he listened in horror as the catamites of Sodom pounded on the door of his home while screaming hysterically “Bring them out that we may know them !!!” If you have the stomach, take a look at the pro transgender article in a recent People magazine. Bless you Professor.
2013-06-01 at 2:36 pm
Do homosexual advocates care how their sinful life style affects Christian families who are trying to bring up decent children? Homosexual behavior is by choice, not because of a gene. God did not create a person with a gene that would force him to sin and then condemn him for the sin. There has to be an error somewhere in this gene-related cause of homosexuality; if genes are the cause, then why did God condemn the sin? Another important factor to consider is that a minister is to preach against all sin whether secret, popular, known or unknown. It appears to me that homosexual advocates are trying to say “shut up” so that they can continue to grow and flourish. Sin cannot be defeated by remaining silent. It is good to know that there are ministers who believe in speaking truth and who abhor evil enough to speak out against it. No matter how present society tries to candy-coat it, homosexuality is as evil today as it was in Old Testament times. No where in the
Bible do we see anything but condemnation of homosexuality.
2013-06-02 at 9:37 pm
I took a class under this particular professor at Freed years ago, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Have to say, though, it breaks my heart to see homosexuality compared to racism.