by Neal Pollard, lectureship director

DENVER, Colo. (BNc) — Twenty-three speakers from across the brotherhood converged on Denver Sept. 23-26, for the annual Bear Valley Lectures.

For many years, the lecture program was essentially a homecoming for alumni. However, in the past few years, the attempt has been made to broaden its scope.

Last year, those efforts included the school’s first ever lectureship book.

This year, an alumni kick-off event, a golf outing, and a much more comprehensive advertising campaign seem to have contributed to a big boost in attendance.

The smallest crowd of 109 occurred at 8 a.m., Friday morning. Eleven of the 24 sessions were attended by more than 200.

Fifty-seven congregations were represented, with attendees who registered coming from Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Virginia, this in addition to locations where speakers and their families call home.

Our Friday night banquet, where about 300 gathered, highlighted several new additions and plans the school is making to effect growth to the glory of God and subject, of course, to His will.

Speakers included Barry Grider, Steve Higginbotham, Jason Jackson, Dan Winkler, Earl Edwards, Michael Houts, Wayne Jones, and many more.

Melony Webster spoke to the ladies in two sessions.

The theme was “If The Foundations Are Destroyed, What Can The Righteous Do?”

Once again, a book, published by Thomson-Shore, was produced and is available for $13 each (postage included).

This year marks 45 years that the Bear Valley congregation, through our school of preaching, has been training men to proclaim the good news.

Audio of the lectures can be found for free at

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