by J. Randal Matheny, publisher officially launches its news service as of today. Associate Editor Joe May and Assistant Editor Matt Clifton join me in inviting you to celebrate with us this date we’ve been working toward for months.

In the About page, we note our purpose and scope, so I’ll not repeat those here. Suffice it to say we are excited about the kind reception received so far from brethren around the world and enthusiastic about serving God’s people in this new endeavor.

As an indication that BNc is to be an international site for Christian news, we broke the story about our launch on the Brazilian website

We ask your prayers. We invite your suggestions and criticisms. We welcome your stories and tips. We’re glad to have comments on stories from faithful brethren.

It is those brethren we seek to serve. And with high hopes we want to demonstrate to a world awash in confusion and turmoil a people whom God is blessing, a people with convictions and faith, a people with trust in God’s providence, a people confident of the Lord’s presence among them and of his power working through them.

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