Tag preachers

Tribute to Tom Holland, ‘name synonymous with great gospel preaching’

David Kenney recalls special moments.

‘God ready for Mt Juliet to do big things:’ Church deals with loss of David Shannon

The congregation looks to a big change in its life and work.

Restored preacher focuses on church’s plans and efforts

Alabama preacher recounts his former life.

Cecil May health update

by Glenda Williams, BNC correspondent Montgomery, Ala (BNc) — Cecil May, well-known and loved by many, recently broke his hip after falling in his apartment in Montgomery. After surgery and a period of recovery, he was moved to a rehab… Continue Reading →

Missionary, church planter and preacher Michael Landon passes

Mike wasn’t afraid to stand against the tide, question assumptions, and challenge traditions. He was committed to the Scriptures and the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Capital Prayer Breakfast Honors McKees

MONTGOMERY, Ala (BNc) — The Capital Prayer Breakfast was held January 17, 2014, in the RSA building overlooking beautiful downtown Montgomery, AL .  Colin and Ellen McKee, long time missionaries to Indonesia, were honored at the breakfast.

West Virginia preacher Frank Higginbotham passes

Higginbotham preached in West Virginia for 60 years.

Mexico preacher Miguel Arroyo dies in car accident

Miguel Arroyo died Jan. 5.

Michigan preacher missing, family asks prayers

Pray this preaching brother may be found safe and sound.

Preacher Perry Cotham celebrates 100th birthday

A short video of Perry Cotham’s 100th birthday.

Update: Preacher and wife murdered at home in Miss.

Fred and Mildred House were murdered at home by a neighbor late Friday night. Fred was a retired preacher living in Fulton, Miss.

Edmond OK minister Don Vinzant passes – updated

Edmond OK minister and former Brazil missionary Don Vinzant passed away in the early hours of Mar. 9.

Preacher Jerry Jenkins has gone to be with the Lord

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BNc) — Jerry Jenkins, preacher with the Roebuck Parkway congregation for 44 years, died around 10:45 p.m., Monday, after a massive stroke and massive organ failure, according to his son Jeff. He had been in the University of… Continue Reading →

Guy Hester celebrates 60 years of preaching

by Tim Hester CORINTH, Miss. (BNc) — As a young man, Guy Hester began his preaching career at a small country church in Northeast Arkansas. Since then he has spent the last 60 years proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ…. Continue Reading →

Preacher Micky Bell succumbs to cancer

by Dale Jenkins HOUSTON, Tex. (BNc) — Micky Bell lost a two-year battle with cancer last evening about 5:30. Micky moved from Nashville to Houston in Jan., 2008, to work with the Jersey Village congregation. He found out he had… Continue Reading →

Donnie Vick works with Purcellville church

by Laura S. Tinnel PURCELLVILLE, Va. (BNc) — Jan. 24 was a momentous day of firsts in northern Virginia. That Sunday morning Donnie Vick stepped into the pulpit in Purcellville to begin his first full-time ministry as a preacher in… Continue Reading →

Prentice Meador died Nov. 25

Prentice Meador passed from this life Nov. 25, at 6:08 a.m.

Don McWhorter Dies

FAYETTE, Ala. (BNc)- Don McWhorter passed away around 8:00 this morning Central Time, according to Kevin Beard, minister of the local congregation.

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