by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala (BNc) — A former Catholic priest and his wife obeyed the gospel when Jerry Davidson took a team into the Amerindian Village of Moruca, June 18-July 9, 2012. The group taught and baptized… Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent HARTFORD, Ala (BNc) — The Hartford, Alabama church is rebuilding after being destroyed by a late night fire earlier this year. Recently we stopped to see the new metal structure and were met by Terry Whaley,… Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala (BNC) — Ladies Bible class teacher, Linda Sartain, has taken her Wednesday night Bible class far beyond what the 18 ladies would have ever dreamed.
by Glenda Williams, BNc Correspondent HARTFORD, Ala (BNc) — An early morning fire destroyed the Hartford Church of Christ building Sunday morning, January 15, 2012. Jim Simmons, local preacher for the church, stated he received a call around 3:00 a.m…. Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent ELBA, Ala (BNc) — For years, the church in Elba, Alabama had a small pantry housed in a closet, but they were never able to feed the hungry as they do now. Recently the church built a… Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent DECATUR, Alabama(BNc) — Mike Nix, Minister of the Beltline Church of Christ, Decatur, Alabama since 1998, died today. He was 55 years old. Parkway Funeral Home will announce arrangements.
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent “I’ve never done anything I am ashamed of.” Those words were once spoken by my sweet mother who is celebrating her 100th birthday today. Eulala Williams was born tenth in a family of eighteen children to… Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent Jerry O. Davidson, missionary to the Amerindians in Guyana, returned home Monday evening from his latest mission trip. Davidson has been leading groups deep into the Guyana bush to establish the church for 13 years…. Continue Reading →
PARAGOULD, Ark. (BNc) — The 7th and Mueller church came together from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 27, to offer up to God prayer, according to minister Michael Cox. A total of 84 members each prayed for 15… Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala BNc — A new website, has been created by Sonnie Parker (William Roger Parker, Jr.) of Luverne, AL. Parker is a member of the Sasser congregation where Jeff Grimes is the preacher…. Continue Reading →
By Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala (BNc) — Margaret Ann Warren Williams, age 94, of McMinnville, TN (Daylight Community) died Wednesday, January 12, 2011. She was born May 14, 1916, in Warren County, TN, was a homemaker, member of… Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Alabama (BNc) — The sixth annual preacher’s conference was held in Vyatskiye, Polyany, Russia, September 27-30, 2010. Charles Williams, minister of the New Union church of Christ, Manchester, TN spoke at the four-day conference…. Continue Reading →
by Glenda Wiliams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, AL (BNc) — Joy Galloway, Kellee Jackson, Maggie Moyer and Wanda Cannon worked all year buying items to be packed and shipped to Panama for the 2010 Operation Christmas Joy project. This year’s backpacks… Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Alabama (BNc) — “Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can come back up,” is a statement made about people on the wrong pathway in life. That statement often explains the position… Continue Reading →
by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Alabama (BNc) — Wiregrass Christian Youth Camp, Chancellor, Alabama, has recorded another successful summer of camping. Joel Ellis, President of the youth camp, states “With the assistance of 263 staff volunteers, we were privileged… Continue Reading →
McKINNEY, Texas (BNc) — On September 1st the e-mail addresses of brother Eugene Smith Jr were stolen and were used in an attempt to collect money in his name.
by Glenda Williams, BNC correspondent GENEVA, Ala. (BNc) — Jerry O. Davidson, missionary to the Amerindians villages in Guyana, recently completed another mission trip June 24-July 16. Efforts were focused on St. Cuthbert’s Mission Village and Kopinang Village. Those participating in… Continue Reading →
A new 45-minute lesson by Marshall Keeble has been added to the Old Paths Archive.
LONGIDO, Tanzania (BNc) — On Aug. 1 Jane Desdery, Joy Jensen, Agnes Kamarage, Neema Martin and Stephanie Stafford traveled from Arusha to the Maasai bush country to conduct a day of Bible studies for the ladies of a new congregation… Continue Reading →
BELGIUM, Alken (BNc) — A web site on the Book of Acts has been launched to teach the gospel of Christ.
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