DOVER, Ark. (BNc) — A gospel preacher has set about to provide free brotherhood resources for the most popular Bible study program for computers.
The most popular free Bible study program for the PC is called e-Sword. The Mac version, which uses the same resource files, is Eloquent. Across the Internet, thousands of Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, and books are available for it—the vast majority of them for free.
So what could be the problem? Bradley Cobb, a preacher from Oklahoma explained.
“After doing a thorough search online, there were only four resources for e-Sword which were done by the Lord’s church: J.W. McGarvey’s commentaries, Alexander Campbell’s Living Oracles translation of the New Testament, The People’s New Testament by B.W. Johnson, and the Condensed Bible Cyclopedia by Ashley Johnson,” he said.
But materials by denominationals number in the thousands. Bradley is working to change that. Recently, he has contacted many preachers and writers who have commentaries online, requesting permission to convert them to e-Sword format.
“Everyone has been really enthusiastic about it, even those who use other Bible study programs,” he said.
To date, Bradley has created over a dozen e-Sword resources produced by brotherhood writers, and they have been downloaded over 3600 times in the past two months.
Among the new brotherhood e-Sword resources available for free download are these:
- The Modern Literal Version (New Testament translation)
- The Holy New Covenant (New Testament translation)
- The Old Paths Version (partial New Testament translation)
- Foy E. Wallace’s commentary on Revelation
- Gary Hampton’s commentaries on 24 books of the Bible
- Brad Price’s Commentaries on Romans and 1 Corinthians
- Manly Luscombe’s study guides and commentaries
- Charles Rose’s commentary on Ephesians, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter
- Mark Dunagan’s commentaries on most of the NT
- Alexander Campbell’s Lecture on Demonology
- The Campbell/Owen Debate on the Evidences of Christianity
- Christian Baptism by Campbell
- Delusions: an Analysis of the Book of Mormon by Campbell
- Treatise on the Eldership by J.W. McGarvey
- Jesus and Jonah by McGarvey
- Studies in Ambiguous Passages (RA Main)
All of the above can be found and downloaded from the Gravel Hill congregation’s website where Bradley serves (click on “e-Sword Files”).
Anyone who has books, translations, or commentaries they would like to make available for this program is welcome to contact Bradley by email.
Others are also starting to make material available in this format.
Freed-Hardeman University has recently made Hugo McCord’s translation as well as their latest lectureship book available in e-Sword format at reasonable prices.
The number of e-Sword resources done by New Testament Christians is still small, but growing, thanks to initiatives like Bradley’s.
2012-01-18 at 8:20 pm
thanks so much for your information so just study apocalyps with my disciple
i wil se if i can use your comentary about that for my student.
2012-01-19 at 10:40 am
H. Leo Boles’ little book, “Boles Bible Questions”, would be a good addition to the E-Sword offerings. It’s the best and most complete detailed survey of the Bible available.
2012-03-16 at 11:04 am
Eloquent and e-Sword do _not_ have compatible resources.
Eloquent and Xiphos, (formerly known as GnomeSword) do have compatible resources.
Eloquent is part of _The Sword Project_: Free, Libre Open Source Software .
e-Sword is prorpietary, closed source software distributed under a gratis license, not a libre license.