by Richard Mansel
HAZELHURST, Ga. (BNc) — Sammie Carson’s battle with substance abuse nearly destroyed him. “I had lost hope. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why I could not break out of the bondage of the drugs and alcohol,” he said.
His wife’s strength and persistence in prayer led him to enter Three Corners Christian Recovery Residence where he was finally able to conquer his addictions.
After years of sobriety, he says, “I thank God for bringing me to Three Corner’s Ministries and giving me a brand new start in life. If it wasn’t for that fork in the road, and my willingness to take the right road, I’m not sure where I would be today.”

Three Corners Ministry in Hazelhurst, Ga.
Located in Hazlehurst, Ga., Three Corners Ministries is a Christian recovery center for men, providing a 12-step structured program in a residential atmosphere. They seek to “provide the necessary educational and vocational resources that will empower recovering substance abusers to live without mind-altering substances while learning to become productive members of society.”/1
Three Corners Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christ-centered charitable organization under the oversight of a board of trustees who are faithful members of churches of Christ.
Alcohol and drugs are destroying lives all over the U.S. The U.S. Department of Justice reports that 45% of Americans over the age of 12 have admitted taking drugs at least once during their lives./2 A 2007 study showed that nearly 20 million people had taken illicit drugs in the last 30 days./3 The same study revealed that 67% of teens said that they had taken drugs or consumed alcohol in the past month./4 It is estimated that “six million children live with a parent with a drug addiction.”/5
“Only one quarter (27.9 percent) of those who did not receive alcohol treatment but felt they needed it made an effort to get treatment in the past year.”/6
Three Corners provides a place for people to get help because of one man’s experience.
Wayde Fullard, founder and Executive Director of Three Corners, said:
“Several years ago, when I looked out upon the property that my parents built their lives around, including the small Halspur church of Christ which began in my parent’s home, I thought of the many hours and dollars they had spent trying to give me a solid Christian foundation. Many of those years and dollars went to trying to bail me out of the sins of addiction that had overtaken my life through drugs and alcohol. I finally surrendered to God as best as I knew how by the time this vision arrived in my heart. I knew that if my parents had tried all they could to rescue me I would have to build a ‘city of refuge’ for others like me who struggled with similar addictions.”
If we will be godly people and reach out to those who are hurting, we will no longer ignore those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. We can no longer pretend that members of the Lord’s church do not struggle with addictions. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Satan continues to pursue each of us. He is keenly aware of the temptations that will challenge us and persistently places these obstacles in our way.

Wayde Fullard, founder of Three Corners
Fullard has a deep love for souls and for those in need. The story of the Good Samaritan is close to his heart. Luke 10:30-37 tells the story of a man, beaten and left for dead. Religious leaders of the day passed him by, not wanting to get involved. As the man lay dying, a Samaritan helped the man and nursed him back to health.
All around us people suffer from drugs and alcohol and we “pass by on the other side,” so we do not have to get involved. We allow secular facilities to help them, but we do not help our own through Christ.
In our congregations, brethren struggle with addictions and they are terrified of saying anything for fear of winding up like the wounded man in the parable, — ignored and left for dead. Three Corners stands ready to help them heal and recover, with the Lord’s help.
Fullard began Three Corners in 2004, working tirelessly to grow the program.
In 2008, Fullard helped form a Board of Trustees and committees to oversee areas such as the teaching curriculum and prison outreach.
Three Corners works in a variety of areas to raise revenue and provides work skills for their residents.
Residents have Biblical instruction and they attend worship regularly, local lectureships and gospel meetings at area congregations.
The ministry uses the CASA program, also known as Christians Against Substance Abuse, as well as the New Life Behavior curriculum.
As a young and growing ministry, Three Corners needs the prayers and financial support of many good brethren who feel in their hearts that men need help with overcoming drugs and alcohol. More details are at their website.
Fullard said, “Three Corners is being developed primarily for members of the Lord’s church who may have fallen like me. It is for those members, or friends and family of those who love the Lord. Although we are in place for members of the church, we welcome non-members as well. Our goal is to regenerate lives to Christ. I extend a personal invitation for you to contact us by phone at 912-379-9188 or email us at You may visit our website at”
Richard Mansel is on the board of directors of Three Corners. He preaches the gospel in Allenhurst, Ga., and serves as managing editor of Forthright Magazine.
2014-08-13 at 6:12 pm
Im58yrs old and battled alcohol since highschool. work sent me to treatment. afterwords toAA. Their answere was to believe in a god . I finally found the true GOD ‘or he found me’. The only way to overcome this slavery is by having the HOLYGHOST of JESUS living in side of you,thats why it must be Christ centered to work.joehrn0inkcmo.