By Associate Editor Joe May

Associate Editor Joe MayGrowing up, I was often admonished to “practice what you preach.” If you tell others to do it, if you say you believe it, follow through with it yourself.

How many of us heard similar statements during our growing up years? Recently I read a column by a denominational minister who expressed great fear and shock that anyone would even consider voting for a candidate who has the audacity to believe that our society’s laws should reflect what is found in the pages of the New Testament.

Had he said Old Testament, I might have understood. Stoning folks isn’t something in which I would want to be involved.

Recently, U.S. Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stated that while she was a person of faith, she would not allow her beliefs to dictate how she would govern the nation. Actually, what she said was that she would leave her faith “at home.”

Her statement was likely prompted by former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s continued calls for changes to the U.S. Constitution that would make that 200-year-old document more aptly reflect godly values in a nation that has, at least on the national scene, left these principles behind.

I get nervous when I hear folks who claim to be Christians expressing fear about someone wishing to inject Biblical values into our society. Suffice to say, I’ll never buy a used car from someone expressing those sentiments.

If one were to reshape our nation’s laws after the New Testament, would that be such a horrible thing? After all, this nation was built on godly principals.

While revisionist historians will insist that the Founding Fathers wanted a “separation of church and state,” they cannot escape the fact that those gentlemen did not want their government separated from God nor His moral code.

I wonder what such individuals fear? What is it in their lives that is so amiss that they would not want godly values in our society?

I’m not speaking of doctrinal in the denominational sense; rather I am referring simply to moral behavior.

Tell me, is it wrong …

  • To demand that a defenseless baby not be ripped from his mother’s womb simply because she doesn’t want to hassle of having to deal with said child?
  • To demand that couples be faithful to each other instead of mating like animals and leaving behind a trail of disease, broken homes and unwanted children?
  • To demand that couples first purchase a marriage license before having children?
  • To demand that both parents financially and physically care for children conceived out of wedlock?
  • To demand that homosexuals cease from the public practice of their behavior or to even offer programs assisting them with their affliction?
  • To demand that people be truthful in all their dealings upon penalty of law?
  • To demand that citizens not take what does not rightfully belong to them?
  • To demand that we act in such a way as to not murder or injure each other?
  • To demand that we be allowed to acknowledge the existence of the One who created the heavens and the earth?
  • To demand that we have the right to speak up to correct injustices without fear of reprisal from the government or private citizens?
  • To demand that pornography, violence and sensational material that offends the moral conscience of our nation not be offered up to the viewing public?

These are fundamental building blocks of any society. When we begin to undermine the foundation of our society, we cannot expect it to stand much longer. No society that tears down such basic moral principals can exist for any length of time. When we give lip service to God’s moral precepts and yet fail to put them into practice in our lives, we cannot call such a failure intelligent nor open-minded.

At best, such behavior is inconsistent. At its worst, it is hypocrisy.

The inspired writer James had this to say to all those who would follow this policy: “To him who knows to do right and yet does not do it, to him it is sin.”

Are we so afraid of others that we will not speak up for the Master? Do we crave earthly company so badly that we will forsake the comfort and fellowship of Jesus our Savior rather than tell someone of their sin or refuse to partake in it?

This earthly life is but a stage for all eternity. If we cannot or will not follow the rules here, we not spend eternity with the Lord.

Myself, I’m simply a spiritual being having a mortal encounter. I fully intend to live my life in such a way that I may return home to be with my Father.

How about you? Will you not only live “in a manner worthy of your calling,” but will you also encourage others to live by God’s dictates?

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