The series contains eight lessons from six faithful preachers.
David Kenney produces the program based on the KJV.
Starting with John the Baptizer, Lance Mosher surveys the several baptisms of the New Testament and which is the one baptism for all time.
Preacher Cory Collins finds people returning to Scripture even during the darkest religious days.
The church is edified by new songs of praise and edification.
WVBS releases new teaching video by Don Blackwell.
Heritage Christian University faculty launch the Berean Study Series with lessons on the church.
Jack Hall asked the Richmond congregation June 8, “Are We a Joyful People?” He pointed hearers away from circumstances, positions, and human relationships, to being in Christ.
After losing his home, a brother in Christ turns to Scripture.
Kyle Butt talks about evil, pain, and suffering, very appropriate in light of recent events in Connecticut.
Karns church enters a float in a local Christmas parade to distribute God’s word.
Ukranians begin churches in their homes.
Tate’s last video devotional Jan. 2012.
A simple explanation of how a denominational preacher obeyed the gospel.
Brad Harrub video In the Shadows of Mt. Saint Helens, 30 years after the volcano exploded.
Oklahoma Christian professor Kent Hartman was enroute to Japan during the earthquake Mar. 11.
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