Tag Tanzania

On ‘Black Friday,’ missionary to Africa makes ‘Chimala Friday’ appeal

Chad Wagner works creatively on Black Friday to supply needed funds.

Chimala Mission girls’ dorm burns down

This Tanzania work has suffered a setback.

George Jensens leave Africa after 5-year stint

The George Jensen family leaves Africa after five years.

TRENDS: Africa worker examines ‘numbers test’

Tanzania missionary George Jensen examines the “numbers test” many use to determine support and finds it lacking.

Rat attends ladies’ study

LONGIDO, Tanzania (BNc) — On Aug. 1 Jane Desdery, Joy Jensen, Agnes Kamarage, Neema Martin and Stephanie Stafford traveled from Arusha to the Maasai bush country to conduct a day of Bible studies for the ladies of a new congregation… Continue Reading →

Missionary vehicle hit by bus in Tanzania

ARUSHA, Tanzania (BNc) — The vehicle of missionaries George and Joy Jensens was demolished by a bus on Jan. 23.

Halfway mark for 20-year Tanzania plan

KISONGO, Tanzania (BNc) — The first half of a 20-year plan for evangelism in northern Tanzania has resulted in 100 new congregations.

From all over

Evangelism, benevolence, missions and university news from all points of the compass.

Vaths Depart for Tanzania

COLUMBUS, Oh. (BNc)- Kyle and Melissa Vath depart today for a year’s tour of duty in Tanzania. From Columbus, their itinerary takes them to Washington D.C., Zurich, then to Dar es Salaam, where they will be met Wednesday by Bill… Continue Reading →

Thoughts on Work from a Worker

by Neal Pollard I met David Bayi on my first trip to Tanzania in 2003. He is, on the surface, a reserved man, but he has a winning smile and jovial personality to go along with a tenacity in teaching… Continue Reading →

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