Tag conversions

Family baptized after 5 years of study begun on social media

Joey Ferrell discovers an online contact lived just down the road.

10 baptized after baptism debate, new argument introduced

The discussion centered on whether or not baptism in water was essential for salvation.

Man tries to kill Christian wife, converts through church’s love

A man is converted after seeing the church’s love toward his Christian wife, whom he tried to kill because of her faith.

TV speaker meets Hungarian-refugee convert

Speaker meets a Hungarian refugee converted through Search TV program.

Fire department assists baptism of woman with terminal cancer

ROGERSVILLE, Ala. (BNc) — Oliver church minister David O’Connell called the local volunteer fire department to help with the baptism of a wheel-chair-bound woman with terminal cancer.

Before baptism, Raimunda removes image from necklace

Isn’t this what repentance is about, leaving former allegiances behind?

‘Tremendous response’: Preacher baptizes stepfather in seminar

Seminar speaker sees newly converted mother respond, baptizes his stepfather.

‘He didn’t need to study theology’: Brother baptizes brother

A Christian man teaches and baptizes his physical brother.

‘Rejected by all, we embraced him, and love touched his heart’

He wanted to study the Bible and found love, acceptance, and concern.

Couple put on Christ in baptism at marriage retreat

JUNDIAI, Brazil (BNc) — A couple who attended a retreat on how to relate better in marriage decided they had better relate to Christ. Marco Aurelio e Adriana requested baptism after a class by evangelist Marcelo Gonçalves at the retreat… Continue Reading →

Former denominational preacher explains conversion, warns church away from compromise

A simple explanation of how a denominational preacher obeyed the gospel.

‘I don’t want to be a bench-warming Christian’

A woman goes from a need for therapy to finding everything in Christ.

Hindu convert: ‘I know we have our eternal spirit’

Jim Waldron reports of several baptisms in India, especially several through the work of an Indian evangelist of Mongolian descent.

BrotherhoodNews.com partners with Baptism365

BNc is proud to announce that Baptism365 website is now a part of the Forthright/GoSpeak family. Read the interview with creator Rick Kelley.

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