Tag Alabama

Faulkner grad wins second place in ‘Top Gun’ law competition

Sherri Mazur, a 2014 graduate of Faulkner University’s Jones School of Law, was named second-best trial advocate in the nation at Baylor University’s Top Gun Competition, a prestigious invitation-only advocacy tournament.

Christian uses talent for less fortunate

WESTVILLE, Fla. (BNc) — Eileen Speigner, 88 years old, is quilting and making blankets for the Geneva County Sheriff’s Department.  The small blankets, both quilted and crocheted, are 36” square or by the width of the material. The idea was… Continue Reading →

Exchange student in Christian home gains ‘new point of view in relationship with God’

WESTVILLE, Fla (BNc)  — Ondrej Hubalek, 18, of Lukavice, Czech Republic was 16 years old when he decided to become an exchange student to the United States. He said kids start learning English in the third grade in his country,… Continue Reading →

Listen to William Davis tell how he left a life of Pentecostalism

You read the story. Now listen to the man himself tell it, with audio from his lesson.

Preacher to work with ‘world’s largest youth group’

Kentucky preacher will move to Alabama to conduct Lads-to-Leaders workshops for congregations.

Alabama: Coxey church building damaged by tornado (photo gallery)

Photos of the damage to the Athens, Ala., congregation

Tornados leave one saint dead in Arkansas, one building damaged in Alabama

USA (BNc) — The recent storms that have generated a slew of tornados across the Midwest and South have left at least one dead and one church building seriously damaged.

Man arrested for terrorist threats against Faulkner University

A man was charged for making threats against an individual and the university.

Elba, Alabama Church Singing Unique

by Glenda Williams, BNc Correspondent ELBA, Ala (BNc) — The Elba Church of Christ hosted their bi-annual acappella singing Friday evening, January 31, 2014. The singing is held the last Friday evening in January and in July. Men from different congregations… Continue Reading →

Capital Prayer Breakfast Honors McKees

MONTGOMERY, Ala (BNc) — The Capital Prayer Breakfast was held January 17, 2014, in the RSA building overlooking beautiful downtown Montgomery, AL .  Colin and Ellen McKee, long time missionaries to Indonesia, were honored at the breakfast.

102-year-old Eulala Williams goes home

This beautiful story needs to be told.

Donations pour in for 9-year-old Eli’s bucket-list wish

MADISON, Ala. (BNc) — Eli Williams is a nine-year-old boy who has spent the last two years fighting medulloblastoma. Scans recently revealed that he had relapsed. Only experimental treatment is an option now. Before he can do this treatment, he… Continue Reading →

Where is ‘just church’? asks student on public school questionnaire

A public school student points up the problem of religious division.

Everett Ferguson speaks at HCU scholar lecture series

See article for links to videos of Ferguson’s presentations.

Alabama church proposes instrumental music, area preacher urges rejection

Elders propose Sunday service with instruments. Preacher to their south urges rejection.

House to House passes 3 million mark with single issue

The HTH ministry will send out over 3 million magazines in Sept.

Amridge University confers its first PhD degrees

Amridge confers the first PhDs from a brotherhood school.

Cecil May: Woman’s nomination as preaching minister ‘the opposite of good news’

Dean Emeritus of Faulkner University denies that restrictions on women in public worship are based on “local cultural considerations.”

Amridge University Graduation held June 8, 2013

MONTGOMERY, Ala (BNc) — Raymond Elliott, well-known and loved gospel preacher, reports attending a most impressive Amridge University graduation, June 8, 2013.

Christian writer stupefied: ‘How could Gosnell do what he did?’

Devotional writer takes a different tack today in light of the abortion doctor’s conviction.

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