by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent GENEVA, Ala (BNC) — Ladies Bible class teacher, Linda Sartain, has taken her Wednesday night Bible class far beyond what the 18 ladies would have ever dreamed.
Greg Tidwell has been named editor of GA magazine.
The Warren Christian Apologetics Center releases Everett Ferguson’s book on second- and third-century apologists.
Central Arkansas Encourager is a new magazine for churches of Christ in central Arkansas.
Focus Press’ Think magazine will now be distributed by Borders bookstores in some U.S. regions.
by Ken Green WHITE HOUSE, Tenn. (BNc) — I have before me the Concordance to the Ndebele Bible, written by Foy Short, long-time missionary to Zimbabwe. The Ndebele language is spoken by people in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. Short,… Continue Reading →
by Jody Apple KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (BNc) — In recent years East Tennessee School of Preaching and Missions (ETSPM) published a small booklet-sized magazine called Journey. Though we’ve received positive comments about it, the most common remark we’ve heard has been,… Continue Reading →
Book review by Matthew K. Clifton Paul’s letter to the Ephesians has been a special area of interest for me in my studies, so when I got the opportunity to review a new book focusing on the biblical and historical… Continue Reading →
HENDERSON, Tenn. (BNc) — The Bible Bookstore will host book signings for eight authors during the Freed-Hardeman lectureship week. Come by and meet these authors: Bruce Morton, Jay Lockhart, Phil Sanders, Dwina Willis, Debbie Bumbalough, Cynthia Guy, Allen Webster and… Continue Reading →
CROSSVILLE, Tenn. (BNc) — Missionary Jim Waldron has printed 10,000 New Testaments for free distribution as an evangelistic tool. Ten thousand copies of the New Testament in the New King James Version have been printed in South India at a… Continue Reading →
HANCOCK, Michigan (BNc) — ‘A word of encouragement’ is a brief e-mail message sent out five days a week by Dan Skaggs.
JACKSONVILLE, Ala. (BNc) — The House to House/Heart to Heart ministry, a work of the Jacksonville church, launched a new website Feb. 1, BNc talked to Luke Griffin, webmaster for the site, about the idea behind the launch.
CHENNAI, India (BNc) — Can Christians pay bribes, even if it is intended to bring about justice for the innocent? Is there a difference between paying someone to do something illegal and “tipping” for something well done? In her new… Continue Reading →
Book review by Joe Slater, Thayer, Mo. In Faith Undone, Roger Oakland, a premillennial dispensational evangelist, examines a fairly new movement among Evangelicals called the “emerging church” (or emergent movement). Having been through the periods of modernism and postmodernism, the… Continue Reading →
(BNc)- A new booklet exposes the errors of Oprah’s New Age religion and seeks to counter influence of her book club selection which espouses it.
A Book Review by Travis Main The God of the Covenant, by David Lusk. Royce City, TX: Bible Foundation. $15.00. My typical day involves a lot of study. Personally, I am not able to cover a large amount of material… Continue Reading →
I am a fan of one-volume Bible commentaries. I’ve used most of them, from Peake’s to Jerome’s. Two on my shelf include the New Bible Commentary: Revised and the International Bible Commentary.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BNc)- The Gospel Advocate Company has refurbished its website with a new hosted web store to sell its books and magazines. The company began using the service, where it has a growing number of its books online…. Continue Reading →
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (BNc)- Homosexuals have long written children’s books promoting their agenda, such as Jennifer Has Two Daddies (1983), Daddy’s Roommate (1991), My Two Uncles (1995) and Heather Has Two Mommies (2000). Now an illustrated children’s book teaches the Biblical… Continue Reading →
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Greek-Spanish commentary on Revelation published
VILONIA, Ark. (BNc) — Gospel Opportunities announced today the publication of the second Greek-to-Spanish commentary in their Greek of the New Testament Commentary series. The Apocalipsis de Juan (Revelation of John) is a word-for-word analysis from the ancient Greek text… Continue Reading →