INDIA, Gwalior (BNc) – At 2 a.m. on Saturday morning, April 25th, fire broke out in the building where 21 year-old twins Peddy and Charity Muleya were sleeping on the seventh floor. They are from Zambia, but have been studying Pharmacy at ITM University in Gwalior since last July.

MapThey awoke to the noise of people screaming: fire! They could not use the door because of the heat and smoke. They went to the balcony and let themselves down, holding on to the balcony, until someone below could grab their legs and help them to the sixth floor. They did the same to get to the fifth floor. From there they jumped to the third floor where matrasses had been piled to cushion their fall. They then took the stairs to leave the building. The fire reached the roof of the 10-story building. When they returned later they were relieved that the room itself had not burned, so their clothing and books were undamaged.BurnedBuilding


Peddy and Charity lost their parents to AIDS.

From the age of six, they were raised by Roy and Kathi Merritt in Zambia.

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