OLMSTEDVILLE, NY (BNC) — Doug Kashorek shared this news from Ed Healy Sept. 5. Brother Healy and his wife Joy travel 1.5 hours to attend Sunday class and worship in Plattsburgh and are conducting their own midweek class in their home:

Since May Joy and I have been reaching out to our community of Minerva by hosting a Bible Study each Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in our home.

We just finished a study on the book of Romans. We had a consistent attendance of 6 and had a new addition last night who said they would continue.

Next week we are beginning a study on the Book of Hebrews and pray the Lord blesses us with the increase as we sow.

Winter is coming and our travels to Plattsburgh will be limited based upon weather conditions as was the case last year.

This creates the opportunity for us to reach our community with the Gospel. As the Lord said, “as you are going…”

One of our regular attendees who is limited in mobility now goes to the website for the Plattsburgh church and listens to Douglas Kashorek’s audio sermons.

She says “it is so refreshing to hear just the Word of God preached in its purity.” I have encouraged her to follow the church Facebook group “Plattsburgh Church” to see the weekly videos of Doug’s lessons.

I ask that you remember our outreach in your prayers. That if our Father wills we may very well see the beginning of the Lord’s Church here in our small mountain community of 600 souls.

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