GENEVA, Ala (BNc) — Ladies of the Geneva church packed plastic tubs of food items and other goodies and mailed them to four soldiers serving our country, most on foreign soil. The soldiers were children of members of the church.

Care tub for soldier

Soldiers displayA beautiful grouping with pictures  featuring each soldier was placed in the ladies Bible classroom. A sign up sheet was passed for the ladies to state what suggested items they would donate.  Tiny plastic soldiers, with yellow ribbons tied around their necks, were given to each lady reminding her to pray daily for the soldiers. Everyone was encouraged to write a personal letter and place it in the care tub. All were encouraged to keep the plan a secret from the soldiers. The goal was to ship the package so it would arrive before Thanksgiving.

Last week word came that the care tubs had reached each soldier. Immediately words of appreciation were emailed back home, and expressed the joy they felt in sharing it with their fellow soldiers.


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