NORTH RICHLAND HILLS, Tex. (BNc) — Jarred Dubacek, the 18-month-old son of Jim and Julie Dubacek, died today in a tragic drowning accident, according to Mark Teske, of Bedford. Jim is the preacher with the Smithfield congregation in North Richland… Continue Reading →
HENDERSON, Tenn. (BNc) – Lindsey D. Warren died Thursday, September 24, at the age of 59. Warren was the son of the late Dr. Thomas B. and Faye Warren. Warren received his Phd in Communications at the University of Oklahoma…. Continue Reading →
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (BNc) — Byron L. Benson, Sr., died Monday, Aug. 24, at age 70. Benson was a minister of the gospel, having preached for nine years at Mt. Pleasant church in Crenshaw County, 36 years at the Grady congregation… Continue Reading →
JoAnn Scruggs, ardent supporter of the work in northeastern Brazil, died Wednesday, July 22. She participated in many evangelistic campaigns to Brazil and supported a school for underprivileged children.
HUNTSVILLE, Alabama (BNc) — At the age of 78, George F. Wachter passed away on Monday, Jan. 26, at a Huntsville hospital. In December he had gone in for asthma treatments. He contracted MRSA, an antibiotic-resistant staph infection, and did… Continue Reading →
By BNc Correspondent Kenneth Thomas MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (BNc) — Dr. C. Wymer Wiser, 85, died Sunday, Dec. 21. He was a native of the Fairfield Community of Bedford County, Tenn., and the son of the late E. E. and Sarah… Continue Reading →
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. (BNc) — Dr. John Henry Thompson, Oklahoma Christian history professor, died of chronic illnesses.
Prentice Meador passed from this life Nov. 25, at 6:08 a.m.
FAYETTE, Ala. (BNc)- Don McWhorter passed away around 8:00 this morning Central Time, according to Kevin Beard, minister of the local congregation.
by Steve Waller, former missionary to Indonesia, Florence, Ala. MUSCLE SHOALS, Ala. (BNc)- Donald R. (Don) Waggoner who did much pioneer work as a gospel preacher andmissionary in Indonesia passed away Sunday afternoon, Nov. 2, in a local hospital.
ABILENE, Tex. (BNc)- Preacher and university professor L. Haven Miller, 95, passed away Monday, Sept. 15.
Minister Clifford M. Smith passed away the morning of Aug. 15 at age 89 in Searcy, Ark.
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (BNc)- Rex Turner, Jr., president of Amridge University, died Monday afternoon at age 62.
C. Dale Gillaspie, 88, of Dover, Oh., and formerly of Cadiz, died Aug. 3, in the Hennis Care Centre at Dover following an extended illness.
James Joel Stephens, deacon with the North Sheridan church, Tulsa, Okla., passed away July 8.
Robert Courtney, preacher for the West End church in Clanton, Ala., drowned Monday in a work accident at Mitchell Dam.
By Joe May Associatie Editor One of the Lord’s saints was among four Boy Scouts who were killed Wednesday when an EF 2 tornado touched down near Little Sioux, Iowa. The four were among several Scouts at the… Continue Reading →
Dan Balcom died May 9 off the coast of Africa and was buried May 17.
“A great man has fallen today in spiritual Israel.” —Wayne Jackson
NILES, Mich. (BNc)- The wife of apologist John Clayton died yesterday of complications from diabetes.
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