Legal and Biblical Perspectives by Gary Goff I have heard people (especially angry people) say something along the lines of, “I’m exercising my right of free speech,” which they interpret to mean, “I can say whatever I want, whenever… Continue Reading →
Some have questioned whether a Christian who is completely alone may partake of the Lord’s supper by himself. Christians are “a royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9). Christ made us “priests to His God and Father” (Revelation 1:6); “priests to our… Continue Reading →
The editor and his wife have lived continuously in Brazil since 1984.
Let us be who we are, the ultimate anti-culture of love, peace, and joy.
U.N. actions hold little interest, but God’s acts promise much.
Even conservative and sound congregations adopt worldly management practices.
Writer remembers a gift greater than the Facebook billionaire.
Kingdom pain is central to the fulfillment of the mission.
The Sunday assembly is central to Christians’ faith and mission.
People disparage man’s part in salvation, trying to remove obedience as essential action.
The editor shares his perspective on the idea of culture as a prime tool for progressives in the church.
The process of transferring BNC and other Forthright/GoSpeak websites has not been without bumps.
The editor shares thoughts about recent stories in Ukraine and Nigeria, as well as God’s work through the little people. And a note on site improvements.
Sharing God’s work among his people confirms the truth of the gospel.
A rare op-ed by BNc’s editor on objective journalism and the need for readers’ input.
Hugh Fulford says gun-control laws won’t solve the problem. A different solution is needed.
Chuck Webster gives yet another reason to pray for government leaders.
Did you hear about the guy who attacked a woman at the Thanksgiving Day dinner table? She was sitting in the chair he wanted, so he attacked her with a foot-long butcher knife. Did you hear about the 20 customers… Continue Reading →
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Ultimate irony: ignoring our mission to talk about it
Bear Valley preacher Neal Pollard experiences cold shoulders and wonders at the irony between talk and stated purposes.