by Jeff and Dale Jenkins
SPRING HILL, Tenn. (BNc) — Technology offers some new opportunities for teaching and training. The Jenkins Institute is offering their first Webinar for those in ministry.
You might be wondering what all is involved in a Webinar? The most basic idea is that a Webinar is a Seminar on the Web. All you need to be able to participate is a computer, an internet connection, and a few dollars to help cover the costs involved.
Ministry Now will feature 10 programs of work that you can implement in the local church to help ignite the Lord’s work where you are. Jeff and Dale Jenkins will draw from a combined 70+ years of working with growing churches and ideas they have learned over those years.
To learn more go to the A Really Big Deal website or go directly to registration. With questions contact Jeff Jenkins or Dale Jenkins.
The Webinar is March 6 from 10-11am.