Tag disasters

Gatlinburg on fire, saints lose homes, church loses building

No one has lost his life thus far, but the damages will be extensive.

Longview TX church building suffers severe storm damage

Roof was torn off, entryway hit, glass blown out of doors.

Ike cuts power in more states

CALVERT CITY, Ken. (BNc)- Besides the devastation in Texas, hurricane Ike also left areas in other states without power.

Kansas Tornado Kills Couple in Car

Pratt, Kan. (BNc)- The son and daughter-in-law of a Kansas preacher were killed Friday by a tornado while traveling in Kansas.

No Damage, No Injuries, Says Preacher at Quake Epicenter

A preacher near the epicenter of the Ill., earthquake reports on the tremblor felt early Friday morning.

Tornado Hits Little Rock

Updated April 9. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (BNc)- A tornado touched down in the Arkansas capital last night, April 3.

Midwest, South Cope with Flooding

By Associate Editor Joe May (BNc)- Flooding has enveloped much of the Midwest and South, especially in Arkansas.

The Psalms, the Psalms

by Warren Baldwin, minister, Ulysses, Kan., church Today at about 12:30 noon I was typing notes on Psalm 109 for my term paper for Harding University Graduate School of Religion, when the phone rang. I was expecting my wife Cheryl… Continue Reading →

Christians’ Homes Hit, Elder’s House Destroyed

By Elizabeth Owen DEVELOPING STORY, Check back for updates Editor’s note: This was just received. According to one person who received Elizabeth’s email, “The family are members of the church. One home destroyed was that of one of the elders… Continue Reading →

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