Brotherhood News
“Love the brotherhood,” 1 Peter 2:17

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God’s work surpasses the sight of any one person or group. Reporting on his work among the human race is an impossible task. But we delight in touching the hem of the garment in these news stories, as we remember that what is published here represents but a fraction of the wonderful stories that will be heard only in eternity.

Brotherhood News (BNC) publishes the latest and breaking news of the brotherhood, as well as interviews, stories and surveys of works and countries. Its primary focus is on congregations and individuals as they live out the example of Christ in the world and permit God to use them for his kingdom today. It is sponsored by the Forthright/GoSpeak ministry.

Since the family of God is global, our interest also spans the planet. We make an extra effort to get stories from around the world, while still covering the American church.

BNC is not an official news organ of the church, couldn’t be if it wanted to. We do represent the interdependence of the body of Christ, working together through a bond produced by the Spirit of God. We hold to no one’s party line, but nurture our shared convictions.

Those convictions are based upon following the New Testament as our pattern for faith and practice, and refusing to go beyond what is written. BNc strives to avoid the leaven of both the ‘Sadducees’ (who minimize the authority of the Scriptures) and the ‘Pharisees’ (who bind human regulations on others). Stories and interviews focus on those who believe that obedience is necessary for Jesus to be our Lord and Savior.

Mention of people or events does not imply BNC’s agreement with all that is done or taught by those involved. Every effort is made to “turn away from evil and do good” (1 Peter 3:11). Readers are encouraged to “test all things; hold fast what is good” and to “abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Advisory Board:

Publisher, Editor:
J. Randal Matheny and his wife Vicki have lived and worked in Brazil since 1984. They have three married children and five grandchildren. Randal earned degrees in Bible, Communication and Missiology.

Randal edits Forthright Magazine and co-owns Forthright Press with his son Joel. He works in church planting, evangelism, servanthood training, spiritual growth seminars, publishing and Internet ministry.

His interests are working out at NovaFit gym, poetry and chocolate. His missions site is

roy-davisonContributing Editor:
Roy Davison and his wife Rita live in Flanders, Belgium. Roy has served as an evangelist in the Dutch-speaking part of Europe since 1963. Through the years he has emphasized starting new congregations (Roeselare, Antwerp, Boortmeerbeek, Hasselt and Burcht in Belgium and Eindhoven in Holland) and in training men in the new congregations to teach and preach. He has a B.A. degree with a major in Communication and minors in Bible and Greek. He publishes various web sites in English, Dutch, French, German and Russian including the Old Paths Archive which draws about 1000 visitors each day. He teaches Koine Greek online and publishes articles and books in English and Dutch. To supplement inadequate support, Roy has worked part-time as a professional free-lance Dutch-English translator since 1978. Roy and Rita have three children and nine grandchildren. E-mail:


Glenda Williams, Geneva, Ala.

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