ANDALUSIA, ALA (BNC) — Hazel McClain might be called, “the Pillow Lady” by those who receive one of her small, travel size pillows. She could easily be titled church secretary, Bible class teacher, Ladies Day promoter, wife, mother, as well as many other names related to all the other hats she wears. She is a busy lady around the Cedar Grove Church of Christ near Andalusia, Alabama.
A Hospice representative to Hazel’s Ladies Bible Class (LBC) told of the needs of patients in Hospice care. She mentioned bibs, walker caddies, pillows, lap robes, etc. The idea rang a bell in Hazel’s mind, and immediately she knew she could make pillows. Some time later while Hazel was visiting the local nursing home, she saw the Hospice representative who had spoken to her LBC. She asked Hazel if she could make pillows. She answered that she could, and her ministry began.
Today Hazel has made 281 pillows for the terminally ill and less fortunate. Beginning the work in 2017, she decided early on to make two pillow cases for each pillow. One could be used while the other was being washed. Hazel inserts a handmade card inside one of the pillowcases extending well-wishes to the recipient and reminding them they are being prayed for. She signs the card, “Ladies Bible Class, Cedar Grove Church of Christ.” Hazel wants no credit for her efforts, though she is the only one sewing the pillows. Others have shared material for the pillows from their overflow, and occasionally someone will send a contribution to help with the effort, but Hazel gets great joy from using her talents for the Lord in helping those in need.
Southern Care Hospice in Evergreen, Alabama lets Hazel know when they are running low on pillows, and Hazel’s sewing machine is soon humming as she makes more. They now give one pillow to each new patient. You only have to look at the picture above to see the result. As Hazel says, “I try to make the pillows to be cheerful.”
2023-04-07 at 1:15 pm
What a beautiful sister in Christ you are. God Bless you richly.
2023-04-13 at 10:04 am
Hazel McClain is the best church secretary anyone preacher could ask for.