Are you enjoying Brotherhood News? This service is an idea that a group of volunteers contributes to. Several of us are missionaries and evangelists who serve the gospel in places like Europe and South America.
We would like to ramp up Brotherhood News’s offerings. You can suggest or write up stories yourself. We’re especially interested in how God’s Good News saves and empowers saints and congregations to do his work.
Remember that Brotherhood News focuses on those congregations and disciples who believe the New Testament provides us a specific model for salvation, worship, practice, and faith.
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2020-06-04 at 11:22 am
If you want to get more coverage, feel free to post on the Church of Christ Bulletin Board Facebook page and group. I’m the moderator.
2020-06-04 at 4:11 pm
Jon, your message is timely. My husband, Grady W. Troute, passed away May 24, 2020. He has been a member of the Lord’s church his entire life. As an adult, he was an Elder for many, many years. We were members of the Centerville Church of Christ, Centerville, Ohio, where he became an Elder in the 1970’s and remained in that responsibility until we relocated and began membership in the Middletown Church of Christ, Middletown, Ohio. Grady also authored four books on the Church of Christ, all published by Xulon Corporation. You can get more information about him on his Facebook page, Grady W. Troute. I would like for you to share the announcement of his death in your publication. Grady worked many years in the Lord’s Church. He joined a group of other Christian men around the Country in the 1990’s on a mission trip to the Ukraine. It was an experience he cherished.
Thank you for allowing me this venue to report his passing. If you do have an obituary section, I would very much appreciate having his passing reported. .His entire obituary is available at the Newcomer Dayton Funeral Home website.
Sharon Shipley Troute
5369 Union Road
Franklin, Ohio 45005
2020-06-08 at 10:14 am
Sorry for your loss! I went to Ukraine about 12 years ago with Buddy Baker. It was very enlightening on conditions in that part of the world. We primarily were working with children’s homes! I appreciate his service in the kingdom!