Wagon (2) Edited

SUMMERDALE, Ala (BNC) — “A group of 35 people (adults and children) traveled over three hours on an uncovered trailer pulled behind a tractor on roads that many would consider impassable just to hear the Gospel preached. They came knowing there were no beds to sleep in. Some slept in tents, others slept in the church building on the floor, and some slept under the trailer on the ground, eager to hear the Word the next day,” states Terri Robertson of Northport, AL.

Terri was a team member of 13 Christians who traveled to Guyana, South America, February 24-March 17, 2014, with Jerry O. Davidson to conduct seminars with the church in Yupukari and Lethem, and a campaign for Christ in Sand Creek Village.



Team members participating in the mission effort were:  Front L-R: Terri Robertson, Hazel Rands, Carolyn Johnson, Roger Comstock, Director. Back L-R: Jerry O. Davidson, Bryant Evans, David Paher, John Langham, Gene Johnson, Mark Jamieson.

Roger Comstock reported the campaign finished with 15 baptisms and 35 restorations while team members conducted 193 Bible studies.

Jerry Davidson will be leading another mission campaign into Guyana, June 23-July 7, 2014. For more information contact Davidson at davidsonjo@aol.com.



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