by Glenda Williams, BNc correspondent

Jerry O. Davidson, missionary to the Amerindians in Guyana, returned home Monday evening from his latest mission trip. Davidson has been leading groups deep into the Guyana bush to establish the church for 13 years. A team of eight Americans, two Trinidadians and approximately 25 Guyanese, arrived on February 21, for a three week soul-winning effort.

The village of Yupukari in the southern part of Guyana was the first stop on the agenda. The church in Yupukari was established in 2010. After studying the Bible with team members, six people were baptized into Christ. Church members are excited about the 30′ x 60′ church building being built. It is to be completed in May 2011. A graduate of Guyana Christian University will be working with the church.

From Yupukari the team traveled by truck and boat 106 miles to Moruca Village in the North West part of the country. The nine people who were baptized were spread out over a great distance. Plans are to build two church buildings in different locations, so people will not have to travel six to seven miles by foot to worship. One preacher will serve both congregations.

H. M. Latchmenarine, director of the Guyana School of Biblical Studies, plans to go into Moruca Village one Sunday a month to work with the church. This is the home of his wife. The mission team went into the village on Monday and left on Saturday. Latchmenarine and his son stayed in Moruca and held services on Sunday. Approximately 25-30 were present and one was baptized, making a total of fifteen souls for the effort.

Jerry Davidson noted the 30th container of supplies was shipped in February to Guyana. He said clothing and goods from the container will be taken into Moruca Village.

After studying with a team member, Greg and Barbara Francis, former members of the Assembly of God church, were baptized. Greg previously attended a denominational college and is a local shop owner. He is genuinely interested in attending Guyana School of Biblical Studies and becoming a minister of the gospel. Francis and his wife have nine children. 

The next stop for the mission team was Santa Rosa Village, located across the river from Moruca Village. A wooden bridge is built up and over the river for passage. Fourteen thousand people live in the entire Moruca area. Bible studies were held in this seemingly ripe area. Plans are to go back into the area of Santa Rosa and Moruca on the next mission trip, June 27-July 11.

Anyone interested in participating in the next mission effort should contact Jerry Davidson at or 251-510-9350, as soon as possible.

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