Tag sermons

New York elder assumes Sermon Lines site

From upstate New York, Douglas Kashorek shares sermon outlines and edits brotherhood contributions.

What makes the gospel glorious

Watch this video and see one of the most interesting reasons given for why the gospel is glorious.

Christians are a joyful people, or should be, says Kentucky preacher

Jack Hall asked the Richmond congregation June 8, “Are We a Joyful People?” He pointed hearers away from circumstances, positions, and human relationships, to being in Christ.

Preacher sees need for ‘application of true Christianity’, gives 12 principles for life

Hugh Fulford says, “Unfortunately, there is a great deal of unhappiness, discontent, and lack of meaning in the lives of many people. People endure an existence, but they are not truly living. There is no joy or real purpose in their life. Christ does not want it to be that way.”

Preacher shares what happens ‘five minutes after death’

Such sermons serve an essential need.

Polishing the Pulpit begins in just ten days!

by Allen Webster SEVIERVLLE, Tenn. (BNc)- This annual gathering of preachers, elders, deacons, church members, youth ministers and their wives will be held this year in the Great Smoky Mountains Aug. 22-28.

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