Proceeds from sales of the book will go to the FHU Bible Scholarship Fund.
Reviewer: “I don’t remember reading a book that managed to summarize in so few pages the essential truths of the gospel in order for a person to make a decision.”
The book deals with the greatest subjects of the Bible.
Author Michael Whitworth believes that the book of Daniel is a guide for a church in cultural exile.
Kentucky couple see opportunities still in print media, but with a different style.
All ages contributed devotional meditations to the book.
“The most compelling conversion story I’ve ever read,” said one woman who read the book.
The number of books and resources grows exponentially. How to find those gems that will enhance a Christian’s library? One disciple answers that question with his website, “David R. Kenney’s Bully Pulpit.” Launched in Feb., 2008, Kenney recommends religious books… Continue Reading →
CHENNAI, India (BNc) — Can Christians pay bribes, even if it is intended to bring about justice for the innocent? Is there a difference between paying someone to do something illegal and “tipping” for something well done? In her new… Continue Reading →
WINONA, Miss. (BNc)- Author Tim Hall of Johnson City, Tenn., has arranged for Forthright Press to distribute his book, “Discovering the Kingdom of God.”
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BNc)- The Gospel Advocate Company has refurbished its website with a new hosted web store to sell its books and magazines. The company began using the service, where it has a growing number of its books online…. Continue Reading →
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