Category People

The saints of God tell interesting stories, share life experiences.

Can Science Prove God?

EINDHOVEN, Holland (BNc) – Dr. Mike Houts presented an afternoon of lectures at the NatLab center in Eindhoven on December 7th, 2019. Sixty-five were present, including Christians from other places and a number of visitors from the city. Brother Houts… Continue Reading →

Men’s meeting in Eindhoven, Holland

EINDHOVEN, Holland (BNc) – Nineteen men from seven congregations in Holland and Flanders gathered at Eindhoven, Holland for fellowship and instruction on Saturday, October 12, 2019. The theme was “Living stones in the temple of God” based on 1 Peter… Continue Reading →

Stephens are traveling missionaries

When Larry is asked if he has a sermon ready, he holds up his Bible and says, “Oh, I have a few.”

Eileen Speigner stays busy

She writes from memory what she has read in a spiral-ring notebook.

Alvin Jennings’ 90th birthday

  On September 3, 2019 Alvin Jennings had his 90th birthday. The next day, about 50 members of the College Hill Church of Christ in North Richland Hills, Texas helped him celebrate after Wednesday night services. Alvin Ray Jennings was… Continue Reading →

Wiregrass Christian Camp produces 23 new Christians in a week

The camp in lower Alabama baptized youths from different areas of the country.

100-year-old widow has advice for young people

Audrey Bowling has three pieces of advice for young people.

Former missionary pays tribute to missionary mom upon her passing

Barry Newton honors his mother’s life.

Sandra Salter turns class book into a pearl collection

Saint finds unique way to mark texts in class book.

Christian volunteer receives British Empire Medal

Joyce Rutter recognized for work in cancer research organization.

Amazon church hosts first ‘fun’ Bible school

Small church discovers how to work together and provide service to children.

Tribute to Tom Holland, ‘name synonymous with great gospel preaching’

David Kenney recalls special moments.

Wiregrass Christian Camp celebrates 50 years

by Glenda Williams Williams CHANCELLOR, Ala (BNc) — People came from far and near Saturday, May 4, 2019, to attend the 50-year celebration of Wiregrass Christian Youth Camp, Chancellor, AL.  Everyone enjoyed the delicious bar-b-que meal served under the large pavilion as… Continue Reading →

GBN director and wife suffer accident

The board of directors posted this release to their social media account.

WWII ‘Rosie the Riveter’ worker and sister in Christ turns 101

She was one of thousands of Rosie the Riveter workers during WWII.

Some reflections on reaching his 75th birthday

El Paso, Tex., writer Mike Riley makes his list of important principles of life.

Texas Stevens, co-producer of Visualized Bible Study Series, passes

Tex co-produced what most know as the Jule Miller filmstrips.

Night never comes in heaven

“Izuba talibbili!” Night never comes in heaven! by Roy Merritt, Kalomo, Zambia   Botiyasi dropped out of school after grade six. The years rolled by. Winter followed the rains. Summers returned. When certain preachers visited, Botiyasi wondered and puzzled over… Continue Reading →

Stan Mitchell passes, leaves legacy of compassion and wisdom

Stan passed away Feb. 19. He left good works and good words.

Professor Stan Mitchell suffers heart attack

Stan suffered an attack on the FHU campus.

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