Tag terrorism

One dead, 6 wounded in Tennessee church shooting

ANTIOCH, Tenn. (BNC) — A shooter killed one person and injured five others, as well as himself, at the meeting of the Burnette Chapel congregation Sunday, Sept. 24. Police began to receive reports around 11:15 am. The injured were to be… Continue Reading →

On 9/11 we know the number of lives lost, but not the number saved

Shouldn’t this also be an important number to note?

5 FHU students studying in Brussels go to London

The students were not in the city at the time of the attack.

A Christian response to terrorism in France

Former missionary to Honduras shares a short perspective.

Nine Christians killed in Pakistan bus bombing

MASTUNG, Pakistan (BNc) — Nine Christians were among the eighteen people killed in a bomb blast in Pakistan on June 11th. There were also Christians among the injured. A bomb planted on a motorbike exploded at about 9:20 a.m. as… Continue Reading →

A Perspective on the Jakarta Bombings

A BNc exclusive by David Lemmons MANADO, Indonesia (BNc) — During my eighth visit to Indonesia I find myself present in the country at a time when “Indonesia” and “Jakarta” have both been “Trending Topics” on Twitter and included in… Continue Reading →

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