Tag Bangladesh

Early missionary to Bangladesh and Nepal passes

by Michael E. Brooks MUSCLE SHOALS, Ala. (BNc) — Harvey Hasha of Muscle Shoals, Alabama died quietly Monday night, Sept. 16, in his home. His health had declined quickly after suffering a fall several weeks prior.  Harvey was a former… Continue Reading →

BVBI Researches Bangladesh, Cambodia

By Neal Pollard DENVER, Colo. (Special to BNc)- On January 23, Ralph Williams, Bear Valley Bible Institute Coordinator Of Works In Asia And Africa, and I left to investigate the possibility of establishing an extension at some point in Bandarban,… Continue Reading →

Bhutto’s Assassination Worries Workers

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Dec. 27. We asked several people how the new political climate might affect the work of the church in the region. Below are responses we’ve received thus far. Check back soon for… Continue Reading →

Bangladesh Christians Suffer from Cyclone

KHULNA, BANGLADESH (WGN)- Christians were hurt, and one was killed by the cyclone that hit the country. Houses, church buildings and crops were damaged or destroyed. The Christian killed was from the Shikarpur church.

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