(BNC) — Malcolm Parsley, who has been a missionary in South Korea some 65 years, reports the following:

Brother Yeong-eon Bae, a deacon of the Hyo Chang Dong congregation, has donated 600 masks to the American brethren in hopes of preventing the spread of the virus in some of the American congregations. Three hundred were first sent to the Henderson, Tenn., area. When he heard of the severe problem in New York, he decided to send 300 there as well.

We have some outstanding Christians here for whom the whole world can be thankful. He has set the example of Christ. Please give thanks for brother Bae and request that our Father bless him many times over for his tender heart and concern for others. This is just one of the joys I have here in serving these Korean brethren.

South Korea has sent two million face masks to the US which is battling one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the world. The Foreign Ministry sent a US cargo plane carrying the protective masks. They will distribute these to medical facilities at the forefront of the COVID-19 response areas.

Covid-19 Virus in Korea

Officials are doing a good job of tracking down cases with the virus. They are informing everyone who was in contact with anyone who had been in their area or they think may have come in contact with them. The government sends to every cell phone several times a day the latest reports of where and time and place an infected person was and the time of day he was there. This contact lets each person know so they can go to the nearest free testing tent (which are all over the cities) and be tested.

As I understand, the latest punitive actions are getting more and more severe. Everyone who comes into the country has to agree to a two-week self-imposed confinement period. If anyone breaks this law, they will e fitted with a locator ankle bracelet and pay a $1000 fine. For the second offense, they are fined $3000 and deported.

The senate is now mulling over charging offenders who cause other damages such as expenses of others from whom they contracted the disease. If they spread it in social establishments, those establishments are closed.

I feel that, if any country is able to eliminate the disease, Koreans will most likely be the first.

h/t Katheryn Haddad

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