by David Hersey

The Granby, Mo., congregation hosted the third annual Preacher’s Files Lectures July 25-27.

This year’s topic was “God vs. the World”, focusing on the influences of the world upon all aspects of the Christian life.

Sixteen preachers from both the local area and from around the world presented lessons on how to fight the influences of worldliness in our worship, our lives, the raising of our children and the church.

The topics under the general theme were Remaining Faithful, Courage, Wisdom, Education of Our Children, Manner of Worship, Ethics, The Pattern for the Home, Evangelism, Liberty, Homosexuality, The Value of Life, The True Church, Truth, Retaining our Youth, The Nature of the Church and Justice.

Two of the wives of the speakers presented lessons to the ladies in attendance on Beauty and Success.

The eighteen lessons were accompanied by a lot of fellowshipping, gospel singing and praise for the Lord.

About 150 people participated in the three-day event.

Preachers Files is an organized online archive of sound Biblical material for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to go into all world and preach the Gospel.

This website hosts sermons, both in audio and text format, studies, bulletin articles and an online Bible Study Forum.

In addition to this, sound members of the church can create blogs and publish their studies online.

The Preachers Files website has a worldwide readership in excess of 120 nations. People from all over the earth come to the Preachers Files in search of spiritual food. The Preachers Files is truly living up to its mission stated on the home page of the website: “Building the church of Christ Worldwide”.

Each year members of the Preachers Files Bible Study Forum pick a congregation to hold an annual lectureship. Smaller congregations are chosen in order to help them grow spiritually and numerically.

The first annual lectureship was held in Berryville, Ark., on the topic of “Evangelism.”

The Pelham Ala.. church hosted the second lectureship on the topic, “Let Brotherly Love Continue.”

The third annual lectureship was scheduled for St. Joseph, Mo., but had to be canceled a few months before the event. It was decided to move the lectureship to the Granby, Mo., congregation.

Next year’s location is still being decided. Anyone interested in hosting the lectureship next year can register at the Preachers Files Bible Study Forum and throw their name in the hat for consideration. Lord willing, the fourth lectureship will be held in the first month of August, 2009.

The lessons were digitally recorded and have been published on the Granby church of Christ website for download and listening. They can all be found on this page.

On behalf of the Granby church, I would like to extend our appreciation and gratitude to all the speakers who made the journey to Granby to present their lessons, offer praise, prayer and worship to God and to join hands in fellowship. Several came from many states away and one visitor came from India.

Our sincerest thanks to all who made the commitment to come and join us in our path down the road of righteousness to our home in Heaven with God.

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